Positional encoding has become an essential element in transformer models, addressing their fundamental property of permutation invariance and allowing them to understand sequential relationships within data. This blog post examines positional encoding techniques, emphasizing their vital importance in traditional transformers and their use with 2D data in Vision Transformers (ViT). We explore two contemporary methods—ALiBi (Attention with Linear Biases) and RoPE (Rotary Position Embedding)—analyzing their unique approaches to tackling the challenge of sequence length extrapolation during inference, a significant issue for transformers. Additionally, we compare these methods' fundamental similarities and differences, assessing their impact on transformer performance across various fields. We also look into how interpolation strategies have been utilized to enhance the extrapolation capabilities of these methods; we conclude this blog with an empirical comparison of ALiBi and RoPE in Vision Transformers. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first direct comparison of these positional encoding methods with those used in standard Vision Transformers.
“Attention Is All You Need,” introduced by (Vaswani et al. [2017]
Later, (Dosovitskiy et al. [2021]
(Vaswani et al. [2017]
The self-attention mechanism processes sequences by representing each element as a vector of embedding dimension \(d\). For a sequence of length \(L\) and embedding dimension \(d\), the input is represented as a matrix \(X \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d}\).
The mechanism employs three learnable weight matrices: \(W_Q,W_K,\) and \(W_V\) \(\in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d_{model}}\), where \(d_{model}\) represents the dimensionality of the projected subspaces. These matrices transform the input into queries, keys, and values respectively:
\[Q = X\,W_Q \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; K = X \, W_K \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; V = X \, W_V\]The attention matrix is computed using the following formula:
\[\text{Attention}(Q, K) = \text{softmax}(QK^T/√d_{model})\] \[\mathbf{Z} = \text{Attention}(Q, K) \cdot V\]With respect to each token, let \(x_i\) be the context vector for \(i^{\text{th}}\) token, the corresponding query, key and value vectors, \(\mathbf{q_i}, \mathbf{k_i}\) and \(\mathbf{v_i}\) are defined as follows:
\[\mathbf{q_i} = x_i \: W_Q \; \; \; \; \; \; \mathbf{k_i} = x_i \: W_K \; \; \; \; \; \; \mathbf{v_i} = x_i\:W_V\]and \(N\) being total number of tokens , the attention score between the \(m_{th}\) token (query) and the \(n_{th}\) token (key) is formulated as
\[a_{m,n} = \frac{\exp\left( \frac{\mathbf{q}_m \mathbf{k}_n^\top}{\sqrt{d}} \right)}{\sum_{j=1}^{N} \exp\left( \frac{\mathbf{q}_m \mathbf{k}_j^\top}{\sqrt{d}} \right)}\]and \(\mathbf{z}_m\) (output vector) for the \(m_{th}\) token is calculated as
\[\mathbf{z}_m = \sum_{n=1}^{N} a_{m,n} \mathbf{v}_n\]In multi-head attention, the computation is extended across h parallel attention heads. Each \(head_i\) operates as:
\[\text{head}_i = \text{Attention}(Q\,W_Q^i, K\,W_K^i, V\,W_V^i)\]The outputs from all heads are concatenated and projected back to the original dimensionality:
\[\text{MultiHead}(Q, K, V) = \text{Concat}(\text{head}_1,\ldots,\text{head}_h)\:W_O\]where \(W_O \in \mathbb{R}^{hd_k \times d_{model}} , W_i^Q \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{\text{model}} \times d_k} , W_i^K \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{\text{model}} \times d_k}, \ W_i^V \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{\text{model}} \times d_k}, \ \text{and } W^O \in \mathbb{R}^{h d_k \times d_{\text{model}}}\) are learned matrices. Note \(d_{model} = h \times d_{k}\) and \(Q,K,V \in \mathbb{R}^{ L\times d_{\text{model}}}\)
Absolute Positional embedding was introduced by (Vaswani et al. [2017]
Where \(p_i\) is the positional embedding vector and \(x_i\) is the context vector corresponding to the \(i_{th}\) token. Note that \(x '_i,x_i ,p_i \in \mathbb{R}^d\). (Vaswani et al. [2017]
where \(p_{i,t}\) is the \(t^{th}\) element in the \(p_i\) vector.
One might question why a function of sines and cosines was chosen to represent positional encodings in a sequence—why not any other arbitrary function? The choice of sinusoidal functions was actually a strategic one, offering several advantages that benefit transformer models:
Hence the dot product \(p_i \cdot p_{i+\phi}\) is independent of position \(i\), and relative position \(\phi\) is retained. This consistency allows the model to capture regular intervals and patterns, making it especially effective for tasks requiring sequential dependencies.
The authors hypothesized that sinusoidal positional encoding would enable the model to learn relative positions naturally, thanks to the properties outlined above, and might also allow it to extrapolate to sequence lengths longer than those seen during training. This rationale led to sinusoidal positional embeddings being one of the first methods adopted in transformer architectures.
However, subsequent research challenged these assumptions. Studies found that absolute sinusoidal positional encoding was not well-suited for capturing relative positional information effectively (Shaw et al. [2018]
In addition to sinusoidal positional embedding, (Vaswani et al. [2017]
Unlike absolute positional encodings, which create embeddings for each position independently, relative positional embeddings focus on capturing the pairwise relationships between tokens in a sequence. Also rather than directly adding the embeddings to the context vectors, the relative positional information is added to keys and values during the attention calculation. Hence
\[\mathbf{q_m} = x_m \:W_Q \; \; \; \; \; \; \mathbf{k_n'} = (x_n+ \tilde{p}_r^k)\:W_K\; \; \; \; \; \; \mathbf{v_n'} = (x_n+ \tilde{p}_r^v)\:W_V\]where \(\tilde{\mathbf{p}}_r^k, \tilde{\mathbf{p}}_r^v \in \mathbb{R}^d\) are trainable relative positional embeddings and \(r = clip(m-n, Rmin, Rmax)\) represents the relative distance between the two tokens at positions $m$ and $n$. The maximum relative position is clipped, assuming a precise relative position is not useful beyond a certain distance. Further, clipping the maximum distance enables the model to extrapolate at inference time. However, this approach may not encode useful information about the absolute position of the token, which is useful in 2D tasks like Image Classification (Islam et al. [2019]
Motivated by the success of transformers in processing one-dimensional textual data, (Dosovitskiy et al. [2021]
Traditional positional encoding methods have primarily involved adding positional information directly to context embeddings. While this approach introduces a positional bias, it can limit the depth of interaction with attention weights, potentially underutilizing valuable relative position information. Additionally, since this information is added after the query-key multiplication, it does not contribute to the critical query-key similarity calculations that influence attention mechanisms.
Then came RoFormer (Su et al. [2021]
Given the limitations of directly adding positional information, we need a formulation that encodes relative position information within the attention mechanism by applying a transformation solely to the query and key vectors.
Let token at position \(m\) has the context embeddings \(x_m\) , we define function \(f(x_m,m)\) which takes the context vector \(x_m\) and its position in the sequence \(m\) and returns a transformed embedding having the positional information. We want the function \(f\) to be such that the dot product of two embeddings depends on their relative position to each other i.e.
\[f(x_m,m)\cdot f(x_n,n) = g(x_m,x_n,m-n)\]Consider the basic case where context vector \(x_m = \begin{pmatrix} x_m^{(1)} &x_m^{(2)}\end{pmatrix}^T\) is 2 dimensional and in complex space it can be represented as \(x_m^{(1)} + ix_m^{(2)}\) . For the exponential function, we know that \(e^m \cdot e^n = e^{m+n}\) which is very similar to the properties we want from the function \(f\). Thus for defining \(f\), we can multiply \(f\) \(x_m\) with \(e^m\) , but there is one problem that is explosion of magnitude as the sequence grows. Hence \(e^{im\theta}\) is an ideal choice for multiplication, as it doesn’t cause any magnitude changes and rotates the vector \(x_m\) by an angle of \(m\theta\).
\[f(x_m,m) = x_m e^{im \theta}\]Formally, in order to encode the positional information, the key \(k_m\) at position \(m\) and query \(q_n\) at position \(n\) are multiplied with \(e^{im\theta}\) and \(e^{in\theta}\) respectively as a transformation. Consequently, the \((m,n)^{th}\) element of the attention matrix becomes -
\[q_n' = q_ne^{in \theta} \; \; k_m' = k_me^{in\theta}\] \[A'_{(n,m)} = \text{Re}[q^{'}_nk^{'*}_m] = \text{Re}[q_nk^*_me^{i(n−m)θ}] \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \scriptstyle \text{where Re[z] is the real part of z}\]Hence the \(e^{i(n−m)θ}\) in this formulation of attention is responsible injecting relative position of the tokens which are \((n-m)\) distance apart from each other. The formal derivation that it is a solution to equation formulated is detailed in RoFormer (Su et al. [2021]
The idea of extending the 2D result to the d dimensional case is to break the embedding vector in various 2 dimensional chunks and rotate each one of them by a specific angle \(m\theta_i\) where m depends on the position of token in the sequence and \(\theta_i\) varies according to the chunk. This can be intuitively thought of as a corkscrew rotation in higher dimensions.
More formally, we divide the d dimensional space into smaller 2 dimensional subspaces, apply the rotation in those smaller subspaces and combine them again, this can be achieved through
\[q_n = R^{d}_{\Theta,n}\:W_q\:x_n, \; \; \; \;k_m = R^{d}_{\Theta,m}\:W_k\:x_m\]where the transformation matrix \(R^{d}_{\Theta,m}\) is defined as follows -
\[R^{d}_{\Theta,m} = \begin{pmatrix} \cos m\theta_1 & -\sin m\theta_1 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ \sin m\theta_1 & \cos m\theta_1 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \cos m\theta_2 & -\sin m\theta_2 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \sin m\theta_2 & \cos m\theta_2 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & \cos m\theta_{d/2} & -\sin m\theta_{d/2} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & \sin m\theta_{d/2} & \cos m\theta_{d/2} \end{pmatrix}\]where the frequencies \(\theta_t\) are defined as follows -
\[\theta_t = 10000^{-t/(d/2)} \; \; \; \; \; t \in \{0,1, \cdots,d/2\}\]This sums up the mathematical generalization for the d dimensional case of rotary positional embeddings. In order to make the notations simpler and easier to digest, we take an equivalent representation in complex space. Given the query and key vectors \(q_n, k_m \in \mathbb{R}^d\), we define complex vectors \(\bar{q_n}, \bar{k_m} \in \mathbb{C}^{d/2}\) by considering the \(2t^{th}\) dimension as real part and \(2t+1^{th}\) dimension as the complex part of the vector.
That is if \(q_n = (q^1_n,q^2_n,q^3_n,q^4_n, \cdots,q^{d-1}_n,q^d_n)\) then \(\bar{q_n} = (q^1_n+iq^2_n,q^3_n+iq^4_n, \cdots,q^{d-1}_n+iq^d_n) \in \mathbb{C}^{d/2}\) is its complex space counterpart, similar for key vectors. Now it can be proved that
\[q_nk_m^T = \operatorname{Re}[\bar{q_n} \bar{k_m}^T]\]Using this idea of complex vectors, we can define a new transformation matrix \(\textbf{R} \in \mathbb{C}^{N \times (d/2)}\) as
\[\textbf{R}(n,t) = e^{i\theta_tn} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \text{or} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\textbf{R}(n) = \begin{pmatrix} e^{i\theta_1m} \\ e^{i\theta_2m} \\ \vdots \\ e^{i\theta_{d/2-1}m} \\ e^{i\theta_{d/2}m} \end{pmatrix}\]and the transformation of RoPE can be reformed with Hadamard Product \(\circ\) as
\[\bar{q}' = \bar{q} \circ \textbf{R}, \; \; \; \; \bar{k}' = \bar{q} \circ \textbf{R}, \; \; \; \; \textbf{A}' = \operatorname{Re}(\bar{q_n} \bar{k_m}^T)\]Where Hadamard product is the operation of taking element wise multiplication of corresponding matrices. We will be using this summarized notation to further define axial and mixed RoPE Positional Embeddings for ViT in later sections.
RoFormer (Su et al. [2021]
(Heo et al. [2024]
The core idea is to take and divide the embedding dimension into two and apply positional embedding for x-axis and y-axis separately, which is just repeating the 1d embedding twice. For indexing let patch positions in 2d image be \(\textbf{p}_n = (p_n^x, p_n^y)\) then the rotation matrix \(\textbf{R}\) from earlier section can be defined as
\[\textbf{R}(n,2t) = e^{i\theta_tp_n^x}, \; \; \; \; \textbf{R}(n,2t+1) = e^{i\theta_tp_n^y}\]Hence we are interwining the rope along the two axes \(x\) and \(y\). As the range of indexes \((p_n^x, p_n^y)\) are reduced by square root, the RoPE frequencies \(\theta_t\) are also reduced by square root, i.e.
\[\theta_t = 100^{-t/(d/4)}, \;\;\;\;\;\text{where} \; t \in \{0,1,\cdots, d/4\}\]Note that frequencies \(\theta_t\) for vision tasks are much larger than those used for language tasks. Also number of frequencies is halved so that \(d/2\) is covered by the contribution of both axes \(x,y\).
The axial frequencies are unable to handle diagonal directions since frequencies only depend on either $x$ or $y$ axes. As the relative positions in RoPE are embedded in the form of \(e^{i\theta_t(n-m)}\) the relative positions are always interpreted as either \(e^{i\theta_t(p_n^x-p_m^x)}\) or \(e^{i\theta_t(p_n^x-p_m^x)}\), so the axial frequencies are not mixed in the axial direction.
In order to cater for mixed frequencies, the new rotation matrix \(\textbf{R}\) is proposed as
\[\textbf{R}(n,t) = e^{i(\theta_t^xp_n^x+\theta_t^yp_n^y)}\]Unlike 1D RoPE and axial frequency RoPE, Mixed RoPE doesn’t define frequencies explicitly. Instead, it allows the network to learn frequencies \((\theta_t^x,\theta_t^y)\) for \(t \in \{0, 1, \cdots, d/2\}\) , as these are treated as learnable parameters. Separate sets of frequencies are used per head per self attention layer.
While RoPE tries to tackle the problems of Absolute and Learned positional encoding, another method that addresses this fundamental question in the realm of transformer models, i.e., “how to achieve extrapolation at inference time for sequences that are longer than those encountered during training,” is Alibi(Attention with linear bias) introduced by (Press et al. [2021]
Unlike RoPE’s rotary approach, ALiBi introduces a novel mechanism for incorporating positional information into transformer models. The key innovation lies in its integration of positional encoding directly within the attention computation rather than at the token embedding level. This approach significantly differs from the previous one, focusing on relative positional relationships through a bias-based attention mechanism. One of ALiBi’s standout features is its complete removal of traditional positional embeddings at the input layer. Instead of adding positional encodings at the bottom of the network, ALiBi integrates them as biases within the attention layers themselves.
ALiBi operates by injecting positional information through a bias matrix added to the self-attention scores before the softmax operation. The magnitude of this bias is proportional to the distance between the query and key tokens, establishing an intrinsic relationship between position and attention strength. Mathematically, this transforms the standard attention computation by introducing a position-aware bias term.
The architecture proposed by (Press et al. [2021]
\(\textbf{m}\) is a non-learnable, head-specific slope parameter whose values follow a geometric sequence defined that starts at \(2^{-\frac{8}{n}}\) and uses that same value as its ratio, where \(n\) represents the number of attention heads.
This choice of slope values offers several benefits:
The core principle behind ALiBi lies in temporal relevance—a systematic adjustment of attention values based on the positional distance between queries and keys. This mechanism introduces an inductive recency bias, which has several advantages:
A standout feature of ALiBi is its remarkable ability to extrapolate to sequence lengths far beyond those seen during training. Unlike traditional positional encoding methods, ALiBi sustains robust performance even as sequence lengths grow significantly. This capability overcomes a fundamental limitation in standard transformer architectures, representing a major advancement in the scalability and adaptability of attention-based models.
Building on ALiBi’s success with sequential data, researchers extended its application to two-dimensional image data in Vision Transformers (ViT). Translating ALiBi from 1D to 2D domains posed some challenges like adapting its causal attention mechanism for general self-attention and designing spatially aware 2D penalty metrics. These adjustments enabled ALiBi to effectively capture spatial dependencies in images, expanding what positional encoding can do in vision models.
The adaptation to 2D data, proposed by (Fuller et al. [2023]
Spatial Distance Metrics: The linear distance penalty is replaced by a Euclidean metric that captures 2D spatial relationships between image patches: \(\text{distance_penalty} = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2} \cdot m\)
where \(m\) retains its role as a non-learnable head-specific parameter.
These two approaches, while sharing certain fundamental principles, represent distinct philosophical approaches to positional encoding:
While ALiBi remains the only positional encoding method to demonstrate successful extrapolation to sequence lengths far beyond those encountered during training (Fuller et al. [2023]
To address this challenge, (Chen et al. [2023]
Here $f$ denotes the positional encoding function which takes the context vector $x$ and its position in the sequence $m$.
Thus, they reduce their position indices from \([0, L') \to [0, L)\) to match the original range of indices before computing RoPE. Consequently, as inputs to RoPE, the maximum relative distance between any two tokens is reduced from \(L' \to L\). This alignment of ranges of position indices and relative distances before and after extension helps mitigate the effect on attention score computation due to context window extensions, which make the model easier to adapt.
Recent research on extending the context windows of pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) has predominantly focused on position interpolation using RoFormer (Su et al. [2021]
In the domain of computer vision, (Dosovitskiy et al. [2021]
Notably, the method proposed by (Faisal Al-Khateeb et al’s. [2023]
We conducted experiments comparing four architectural variants to empirically verify performance differences :
We trained all our models using the following hyperparameter scheme and high performance training recipes
Hyperparameters | Value |
Dataset | ImageNet100 |
Training Image Resolution | 224x224 |
Number of Epochs | 100 |
Number of Steps | 50K |
Number of Warmup Steps | 10K |
Warmup Schedule | Linear |
Optimizer | AdamW |
Base Learning Rate | 1e-3 |
Learning Rate Schedule | Cosine Decay |
Weight Decay | 0.05 |
Optimizer Momentum | β1, β2 = 0.9, 0.999 |
Batch Size | 256 |
RandAugment | (9, 0.5) |
Mixup | 0.8 |
Cutmix | 1.0 |
Random Erasing | 0.25 |
Label Smoothing | 0.1 |
CLS Token: Initialized using a standard normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 0.02 across all variants. The low variance prevents large initial values, reducing the risk of training instability.
Patch Embedding: We applied LeCun normal initialization for the convolutional patch embedding layer in all variants. Biases are initialized to 0, and weights use a truncated normal distribution based on input features.
Positional Embedding: For the standard Vision Transformer, the learned positional embedding in raster order are initialized with a standard normal distribution mean 0 and variance 0.02.
Classification Head: Both weights and biases in the final classification head are initialized to zero across all variants.
Multi-Head Attention Initialization: Attention layers use a uniform distribution, with bounds determined by the hidden dimension.
MLP Blocks and Layer Norms: Following PyTorch’s default initialization scheme:
Resolution | Standard Vision Transformer | Vision Transformer without positional encoding | Vision Transformer with 2D mixed-frequency RoPE | Vision Transformer with 2D ALiBi |
96x96 | 18.80 | 16.82 | 18.98 | 19.60 |
128x128 | 33.96 | 30.84 | 32.92 | 36.44 |
160x160 | 44.10 | 42.96 | 44.84 | 50.28 |
192x192 | 51.42 | 49.22 | 51.60 | 55.84 |
224x224 | 55.48 | 53.86 | 55.26 | 60.74 |
256x256 | 56.52 | 55.80 | 57.98 | 61.52 |
288x288 | 57.14 | 56.52 | 58.76 | 64.00 |
320x320 | 57.02 | 55.86 | 59.84 | 64.62 |
352x352 | 56.48 | 55.22 | 59.70 | 65.54 |
384x384 | 55.88 | 54.16 | 58.92 | 65.76 |
416x416 | 55.20 | 53.50 | 58.44 | 65.24 |
448x448 | 54.34 | 52.40 | 57.86 | 64.24 |
480x480 | 53.42 | 51.48 | 56.88 | 63.56 |
512x512 | 52.32 | 49.80 | 55.62 | 62.20 |
Note: Due to limited computational resources, we trained and evaluated our models on ImageNet100
Further, we did not fine-tune the model on a higher sequence length. That is, all our results are for 0 shots. We extrapolated the standard Vision Transformer using 2D interpolation, whereas RoPE and Alibi did not require interpolation techniques as they can handle sequences of variable length. All models were trained using 2 T4 GPUs, with the following training times
Model | Training Time |
Standard Vision Transformer | 2 days 7 hours 47 minutes |
Vision Transformer without positional encoding | 2 days 8 hours 22 minutes |
Vision Transformer with 2D mixed-frequency RoPE | 2 days 10 hours 45 minutes |
Vision Transformer with 2D ALiBi | 2 days 8 hours 28 minutes |
Our analysis of positional encoding mechanisms in Transformer architectures highlights several key insights:
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